Frequently Asked Questions
What is is a website that lists AM/FM radio stations by their real broadcasting frequencies and enables you to tune in directly from your browser, with no download required. It's also a place to find information about main transmitters and towers' technical data and many radio-related links. covers all the major cities in the European continent and Russia, - for the rest of the World. Now you can listen thousands of radio stations from all over the Globe for free! is owned and managed by Mikhail Shcherbak (a.k.a. Predavatel) with help of many friends from around the continent. Because we all love radio.
Where to click?
You can select a city on the map or from the list to review the full frequency band in selected location. First there are listed FM stations in the range 87.50-108.00 MHz and after that Longwave and Mediumwave stations that can be received in normal daily conditions. The stations marked in pale in most cases are not local (from other place in the same country or cross-border), but can be received with good quality in the city area.
How to listen?
To listen live selected station just click on it! The new popup window will appear and in few seconds your radio will play live. Radio stations stream online in different audio formats:
Windows Media Audio format, compatible with Windows Media Player
mp3 format, also compatible with WMP, but also with Winamp , AIMP or other mp3 player
aacPlus (Orban AAC/aacPlus plugin ) or mp3PRO (mp3PRO plugin )
OGG format needs Java or VLC media plugin
Real Audio format - Real Player
other audio formats
Some streaming players require Adobe Flash Player or JavaScript . This website is optimized for Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2/3 or above, and also it's working well on other browsers such as Opera and Chrome. You should also have at least a 56k Internet connection, but a broadband connection will give you the best results.
Problems with Mobile devices and other systems?
Many radio stations simply cannot be heard on some mobile devices running Android, iOS and on Mac computers. We are working hard to make it possible. Meanwhile you can copy the streaming link and play it with Windows Media Components for Quicktime for Mac, or install the multiplatform VLC Player .
See also
The radiomap
List of countries and cities
Questions or comments?
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