European Radio Map: Central Europe
Europäische Radio-Karte: Mitteleuropa / Europejska mapa radiowa: Europa Środkowa / Evropská rozhlasová mapa: Střední Evropa / Európska rozhlasová mapa: Stredná Európa / Európai rádiótérkép: Közép-Európa / Evropski radio zemljevid: Srednja Evropa / Europska radio karta: Srednja Europa
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Central Europe • Nordic-Baltic • Britain-Ireland • France-Benelux • Italy-Spain-Portugal • Balkans • Russia-Ukraine • Greece-Türkiye-Caucasus
Radio stations in Germany / Radiosender in Deutschland
Berlin radio stations • Frankfurt radio stations • Hamburg radio stations • Munich radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Germany began in 1923 (Funk-Stunde, Berlin), FM radio was introduced in 1949 (Bayerischen Rundfunk, Munich) and DAB digital radio in 1995 (trial) and 1999 (regular service). Founded in 1950, the Association of Public Broadcasting Corporations in Germany – ARD is a consortium of nine regional public broadcasters: BR , HR , MDR , NDR , RB , RBB , SR , SWR and WDR , with 54 regional radio stations on FM/DAB as well as an international service Deutsche Welle on SW/DAB. Deutschlandradio is the national public broadcaster, wich operates four national radio networks. First private radio station launched in 1985. Broadcasting is regulated by 14 state media authorities, cooperating in The Media Authorities – Die medienanstalten . American Forces Network and British Forces Broadcasting Service have radio stations in West Germany. Medium wave transmissions ceased in 2015, Long wave in 2020, several Shortwave stations are still in operation. Currently there are more than 500 radio stations in Germany with over 2700 FM transmitters; DAB digital radio with 2 national and 60 regional multiplexes on over 740 transmitters. Primary language on radio is German.Area: 357 376 km²; Population: 84 million; ITU code: D; callsign prefix: DA~DR, Y2~Y9; RDS PI/DAB SId: D..., 1... /E0̷
Radio stations in Austria / Radiosender in Österreich
Vienna radio stations • Graz radio stations • Innsbruck radio stations • Salzburg radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Austria began in 1924 (RAVAG, Vienna), FM radio was introduced in 1953 and DAB digital radio trial services launched in 1999. The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation – ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk) was founded in 1955 and is the main public broadcaster with three national and nine regional radio networks. First private radio station launched in 1995. Broadcasting is regulated by the Austrian Communications Authority – KommAustria . Medium wave transmissions ceased in 2008, today there is one active Shortwave station. Currently there are around 68 radio stations in Austria, including four national networks and 64 regional and local stations, using 1350 FM radio transmitters; one active SW station; DAB digital radio with 1 national and 1 local multiplexes. Primary language on radio is German.Area: 83 871 km²; Population: 9.1 million; ITU code: AUT; callsign prefix: OE; RDS PI/DAB SId: A... /E0̷
Radio stations in Switzerland / Radiosender in der Schweiz
Zurich radio stations • Geneva radio stations • Basel radio stations • Bern radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Switzerland began in 1922 (HB2 Champ-de-l’Air, Lausanne), FM radio was introduced in 1952 and DAB digital radio in 1999. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation – SRG SSR was founded in 1931 and is the main public broadcaster as an association of regional companies: German SRF , French RTS , Italian RSI and Romansh RTR . First private radio station launched in 1983. Broadcasting is regulated by the Federal Office of Communications – OFCOM . Medium wave broadcasting ended in 2012. FM to Digital radio switchover is planned for 2024. Currently there are more than 60 radio stations in Switzerland with 1280 FM transmitters; DAB digital radio on four levels: 7 regional multiplexes (Level 1 & 2) and 21 local multiplexes (Level 3 & 4). Many radio stations from the neighbouring countries are also receivable. Primary languages on radio are German, French, Italian and Romansh.Area: 41 291 km²; Population: 9 million; ITU code: SUI; callsign prefix: HB, HE; RDS PI/DAB SId: 4... /E1
Radio stations in Liechtenstein / Radiosender in Liechtenstein
Founded in 1938, Radio Liechtenstein is the public radio station of the principality as Liechtensteinische Rundfunk (LRF) or Radio Liechtenstein . Currently there are 12 FM transmitters in the country: 7 transmitters of Radio L and 5 radio-relays of stations from Switzerland. Many other radio stations from Switzerland, Austria and Germany are also receivable in the country. Primary language on radio is German.Area: 160 km²; Population: 40 thou.; ITU code: LIE; callsign prefix: as Switzerland; RDS PI/DAB SId: 9... /E2
Radio stations in Poland / Stacje radiowe w Polsce
Warsaw radio stations • Kraków radio stations • Łódź radio stations • Wrocław radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Poland began in 1925 (Polskie Towarzystwo Radjotechniczne, Warsaw), FM radio was introduced in 1954, DAB digital radio in 1996 (trial) and 2013 (regular service). Polish Radio – Polskie Radio is the main public radio broadcaster with 4 national, 17 regional networks and external service Radio Poland. First private radio station launched in 1990. Broadcasting is regulated by the National Broadcasting Council – KRRiT (Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji). Currently there are 18 national commercial networks and 125 local stations in Poland, using 990 FM transmitters; several low-power MW stations and one active LW station; DAB digital radio with over 60 transmitters. Primary language on radio is Polish.Area: 312 679 km²; Population: 37.5 million; ITU code: POL; callsign prefix: HF, SN~SR; RDS PI/DAB SId: 3... /E2
Radio stations in Czechia / Rozhlasové stanice v Česku
Prague radio stations • Brno radio stations • Ostrava radio stations • Liberec radio stations
Radio broadcasting in Czechoslovakia began in 1923 (Radiojournal, Prague), FM radio was introduced in 1954 and DAB digital radio in 2007 (trial) and 2011 (regular service). Czech Radio – Český rozhlas is the main public radio broadcaster with 4 national, 11 regional networks and several digital channels, including external service Radio Prague. First private radio station launched in 1991. Broadcasting is regulated by the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting – RRTV (Rada pro Rozhlasové a Televizní Vysílání). Currently there are 20 national commercial networks and 30 local stations in the Czechia, using 786 FM and 18 MW transmitters; DAB digital radio with 4 multiplexes with over 60 transmitters. Primary language on radio is Czech.Area: 78 868 km²; Population: 10.8 million; ITU code: CZE; callsign prefix: OK~OL; RDS PI/DAB SId: 2... /E2
Radio stations in Slovakia / Rozhlasové stanice na Slovensku
Bratislava radio stations • Košice radio stations • Žilina radio stations
Radio broadcasting in Slovakia began in 1926 (Radiojournal, Bratislava), FM radio was introduced in 1960 (Poprad) and DAB digital radio in 2015. Radio and Television Slovakia – RTVS (Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska) is the main public radio broadcaster with 3 national, 4 regional radio networks, minority station in Hungarian language and several digital channels, including external service Radio Slovakia International. First private radio station launched in 1991. Broadcasting is regulated by the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission – RVR (Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu). Currently there are 13 national commercial networks and over 20 local stations in Slovakia, using 383 FM and 2 MW transmitters; one DAB digital radio multiplex. Primary language on radio is Slovak.Area: 49 035 km²; Population: 5.4 million; ITU code: SVK; callsign prefix: OM; RDS PI/DAB SId: 5... /E2
Radio stations in Hungary / Rádióállomások Magyarországon
Budapest radio stations • Debrecen radio stations • Szeged radio stations • Miskolc radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Hungary began in 1925 (Magyarországi Rádióhírmondó, Budapest), preceded by Telefonhírmondó (1893). FM radio was introduced in 1957, DAB digital radio in 2003 (trial) and 2011 (regular service). Hungarian Radio (Magyar Rádió), now as part of MTVA , is the main public radio broadcaster with 5 national and 2 additional radio channels. First private radio station launched in 1986. Broadcasting is regulated by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority – NMHH (Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság). Currently there are 5 national commercial networks and over 100 local stations in Hungary, using 339 FM and 10 MW transmitters. Primary language on radio is Hungarian.Area: 93 024 km²; Population: 9.6 million; ITU code: HNG; callsign prefix: HA, HG; RDS PI/DAB SId: B... /E0̷
Radio stations in Slovenia / Radijske postaje v Sloveniji
Ljubljana radio stations • Maribor radio stations
Radio broadcasting in Slovenia began in 1928 (Radio Ljubljana), FM radio was introduced in 1954 and DAB digital radio in 2006. Radio-Television of Slovenia – RTVSlo (Radiotelevizija Slovenija) is the main public broadcaster with 3 national, 4 regional radio networks and tourist-information station Radio Slovenia International. First private radio station launched in 1992. Broadcasting is regulated by The Broadcasting Council – SRDF (Svet za radiodifuzijo) and the Agency for Communication Networks and Services – AKOS (Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve Republike Slovenije). Currently there are 7 national commercial networks and over 50 local stations in Slovenia, using 397 FM and 5 MW transmitters; DAB digital radio with 1 national and 3 regional multiplexes. Primary language on radio is Slovenian, with some stations in Italian and Hungarian.Area: 20 273 km²; Population: 2.1 million; ITU code: SVN; callsign prefix: S5; RDS PI/DAB SId: 9... /E4
Radio stations in Croatia / Radio postaje u Hrvatskoi
Zagreb radio stations • Split radio stations • Rijeka radio stations • Dubrovnik radio stations more ...
Radio broadcasting in Croatia began in 1926 (Radio Zagreb), FM radio was introduced in 1957 and DAB digital radio in 1997 (trial) and 2011 (regular service). Croatian Radiotelevision – HRT (Hrvatska radio-televizija) is the main public broadcaster with 3 national, 8 regional radio networks and online international service Voice of Croatia. First private radio station launched in 1991. Broadcasting is regulated by the Electronic Media Agency – AEM (Agencija za Elektroničke Medije). Medium wave broadcasting ended in 2014. Currently there are 8 national commercial networks and over 125 local stations in Croatia, using 609 FM transmitters and 1 national DAB digital radio multiplex. Primary language on radio is Croatian.Area: 56 594 km²; Population: 3.8 million; ITU code: HRV; callsign prefix: 9A; RDS PI/DAB SId: C... /E3
See also
Radio in France-Benelux • Radio in Italy-Spain • Radio in the Balkans • Radio in Nordic-Baltic • Radio in Britain-Ireland
List of all countries and cities
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